The Workshop
Beer O'Clock
Phillies Pub


Article I- Title
Section I. The Canadian Ball Hockey League of Korea or The CBHK.
Article II- Purpose
Section I. The CBHK is a non-profit ball hockey league operating in and around Seoul, South Korea, but serves the entire South Korean peninsula.
Section II. The CBHK prides itself on being both an organized ball hockey league as well as a social catalyst for all its members.
Article III - Membership
Section I. The CBHK does not discriminate based upon race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, marital status, political affiliation, popularity, sports affinities, friends and acquaintances, sexual affinities of any type, criminal background, weight, all aspects of appearance (including dress and the ideal known as "beauty"), breath and all other body odors, cleanliness/slovenliness, intelligence, and mental disorders (including depressive disorders such as laziness).
Section II. The CBHK Board reserves the right to remove or deny entrance of persons found to be damaging to the CBHK, it’s reputation or fundamental purpose; or persons whose participation may be a danger to them or others.
Article IV - Officers/Elections
Section I. Commissioner- Serves as Chairman of the Board Deputy Commissioner- Serves as Deputy Chairman of the Board Secretary- Records meetings and provides agendas Treasurer- Maintains CBHK monetary accounts, collects dues, pays bills Public Relations Coordinator- Coordinates league sponsorship and advertising The CBHK Board (consisting of the aforementioned members) will serve as the governing body of the CBHK, which oversees, determines, or at a minimum, delegates, all decisions pertaining to the playing of Canadian Ball Hockey which includes, but is not limited to, its rules, times, fees, finances, discipline and membership.
Section II. Commissioner- Must be a league veteran having played at least four full seasons. The Commissioner has one vote. Deputy Commissioner- Must be a league veteran having played at least four full seasons. The Deputy Commissioner has one vote. Board Member- Must have played at least one full season. Each Board Member has one vote. At-Large Members- consists of all league members (including Board Members) with dues paid. In the case a vote is required of the At-Large Members, each member will have one vote. With this, Board Members can vote as an At-Large member AND a Board Member.
Section III. The Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner must self nominate and then be voted upon by At-Large Members. An officer must receive the majority of votes cast. There is no quorum needed. Ties will go to a revote between the tied nominees. The Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner will choose the three additional Board Members.
Section IV. Elections for the following season will run concurrently with league award voting at the end of the current season as needed.
Section V. The Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner have a term limit of five calendar years but may nominate themselves for office for as long as they choose. Board Members are relieved from duty two weeks after the end of each season.
Section VI. The Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner may be removed from office by a CBHK At-Large vote in which 65% of members vote for removal AND a Board vote of at least three. A vote is taken after a petition to remove the officer has received 51% of At-Large Members signatures. However, officers may step down at any time. A replacement then self-nominates and is voted on again by At-Large Members. The process for removing either officer must be completed by the end of that current seasons regular season games. No officers may be removed during the “off season”.
Article V - Meetings
Section I. The CBHK will hold Board Meetings as needed but will have AT LEAST one Board Meeting prior to and after each season. Additionally, the CHBK will hold at least one meeting for all At-Large Members between seasons.
Section II. A quorum for Board Meetings is four members. All CBHK votes must receive three votes to pass.
Article VI - Finances & Banking
Section I. The Treasurer will manage all CBHK accounts after the CBHK Board unanimously approves them.
Section II. To be draft eligible for an upcoming season, ALL CBHK members must pay 100% of their membership dues at the date set forth by the CBHK Board. All membership fees must be received by a Board member to be considered official.
Section III. Expenses over 500,000 Korean Won must be approved by the CBHK Board. Expenses under 500,000 Korean Won may be approved by the either the Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner.
Article IV – Charter Amendments
Section I. Only CBHK Board members may propose amendments.
Section II. Amendments are proposed and seconded, after which the two proposing Board Members draft language to reflect their intended change. This language must be provided to At-Large Members for a two-week review. At that point, an At-Large vote is taken in addition to a CBHK Board Member vote. The amendment must receive 2/3 approval from At-Large members AND three Board Member votes to pass.
Section III. The CBHK Board will notify the league of any amendment votes via email and the CBHK website.